Sebastian's Year 4 Photos

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Week 46

Aww, a couple of ducks. I'll feed them.


Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have done that.


Showing Grandma Joan how I can cross the monkey bars. 

Having fun on the playground. 


Getting a big push from Grandpa Edgar.

Always look behind you while backing up. 

Lunch at The Varsity


I don't know how this happened. Why?

Week 45

Santa came!!!


Mom suggests that I open other presents too.

Santa didn't eat all of his cookies. 

Mom is just as excited as I am. 

A new sleeping bag.


And a plane.


Even Daddy helps!


Finally, I get to ride my new firetruck. 

A quick snack before company comes over.


Grandma Karen and Great Aunt Joy bring more gifts.


Chloe and I watching the Grinch's heart grow three times.

Katelyn and I waiting for lunch.


Waiting my turn for Daddy's beef tenderloin and mac-n-cheese.

Christmas cupcakes.



And one more present.



Grandma Joan's yearly figgy pudding was especially flammable this year. 

More food?


More presents!


Kaiden and I looking for any unwrapped presents.

Finally, I'm done with Christmas.  

Week 44

Decorating a gingerbread house during family night at the AIA.

Hugging a very, very tired Great Granddaddy Omer goodnight.

Building a Lego utopia of peace and love. 


Ruthlessly destroying a Lego utopia of peace and love. 

At Roosters with Amy and family.


They collected a ton of toys for their annual Toys For Tots Christmas drive.

Even Santa showed up!



Santa, Katelyn and myself posing with Santa. 


Doing my part to help the Salvation Army.

Cruising for Christmas Lights.

Making cookies.


Cookies for Santa.


The official 2011 Christmas card for Tirado Pilates Apparatus. 

Our official ridiculous Christmas sweater family card. 

Week 43

We were very tired.


But my hair isn't that long!


Only the sandwich mess is mine, I promise.

Decorating the tree in the kitchen. 

Week 42

At Great Granddaddy Omer's Birthday Party there was cake,

Lots of laughs,



A bunch of hugs,



And lots of love.